Home of the Panama Canal Zone Cyber Museum
Preserving the Heritage of Zonians
The Canal Zone is gone, but....
Let the memories live forever!!


The Panamanian poet Ricardo Miro, in his poem “Patria” suggests that Panama was made so small, so that it could be carried in the heart.  We all carry Panama in our heart until the end of time.

Web Site Dedication

Preserving the heritage of Zonians with images
 and information for over 25 years.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, "This is the way; walk in it" (Isaiah 30:21)


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Canal Zone Cyber Museum
Navigation Links

My goal is to bring a little happiness to my fellow Zonians through images from home in the Canal Zone.  If I can get someone to smile, utter a wow or a sigh; then doing this web site was worth every minute and dollar spent creating and maintaining them.

At your service - William P. McLaughlin

My Bio and Introduction

Contact Me

  In Perpetuity

All who are Zonians carry a solemn responsibility. As our parents before, and we ourselves, have lived, benefited and accepted the administrations of the government of the Panama Canal Zone, we became "de facto" citizens of that government – we have become "Zonians". That government is no longer viable, and the Canal Zone no longer exits. Yet our earned birthright as Zonians, we carry forever. We carry the responsibility to perpetuate this birthright so all men will know of the achievements of the "Ditchdiggers" and the successes of the government and its society. We Zonians, and other like us, carry the responsibility to be the Guardians of this piece of history.

Ernest E. Pierce - A Zonian

Navigation of this site.

     I have divided this site up into different categories and periods in the history of Panama and the Canal Zone.
     Click the Canal Zone Cyber Museum's - Main Show Room for the main displays. Just click the category that you are interested in when you get there. There are selections of images and descriptions of memorabilia from the different eras.  Click the Photo Room and the Photo of the Week to view some great photos. Historical information can be found in the history rooms.
     Some of the images on this site are large and may take a little time to load.  Please be patient and let it load, you will certainly enjoy the final product.  Some would think that a lesser resolution photo will suffice for a web site, but I don't.  Full resolution is the policy of this web site.  I hate to cut quality with quantity.
          This site has been created with 800 x 600  and High Color 16 Bit resolution set with small fonts. Deviations from this resolution may not fulfill the presentation as it was meant to be. If you encounter any viewing problems, please let me know.

There are

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Keep the "Son" in your eyes.

This site is owned and operated by 
William P. McLaughlin
 © BillMac CZ Images  1998 - 2025

CZ Images was last revised: January 06, 2025 .

       Photo of the Week |Photo Archives | Main Show Room | Photo Room | Military History    
        PC History
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Over 1,000,000 Hits Since
March 25, 1998
Grand opening

All images and photographs on this site are the property of William P. McLaughlin or contributors,   Copying and reproducing these images/photos is not authorized. Images and photos are protected by registered watermarks that are not visible to the viewer.

Peace  and Hope on Earth


Click your choice of links below:


Member of:

Official Seal of the Canal Zone Study Group - Click here to visit the web site.

Isthmian Collectors Club (ICC)
Celebrating 25 Years

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Official Web Site for the BHS Class of 1970 - Click here.
Visit the
BHS Class of '70
Web Site

Canal Zone Cyber Museum Main Show Room - Click Here