Photo of the Week
May 16, 2010 

Here is an interesting photo that I scanned some time ago.  I gave the image the title of SS Ancon anniversary transit.  As you can see this it the original SS Ancon that made that first historical transit opening the Panama Canal.  I didn't record any other information about the photo, nor what year this was.  I did a little research and couldn't find anything.  Not sure what anniversary transit this was, but by gauging the dress of the day, It looks very early.  Can anyone out there come up with more information?

What I like the most of this photo is the close-up view of the SS Ancon.  I wonder where on these decks that the founding fathers of the Panama Canal Society met and created the organization that is still going strong today.

Received comments from CZ Images contributor and visitor Bill Fall that this is not the Ancon.  Anyone know what ship this is?

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