Photo of the Week
July 4, 2004 

Happy Independence Day everyone.  It has been a busy one so far, but not as busy as my 4th of Julys used to be!!  I thought back today about the 16 years I was involved in the 4th of July Celebrations in Forts Clayton and Davis. I never thought that I would ever have a 4th of July off again.  Well, now that those days are long gone, it is fun to sit here and reflect on all that went into putting a 4th of July celebration on in the later '80s and '90s in the Canal Zone.  There were many months of prior planning, coordination, briefings and long hours!  It was fun and now I miss it!

This week's photo is one of my favorite parts of the 4th of July celebration in Fort Clayton. It was taken along Hawkin's Avenue within the building 95 quadrangle. This is the 50 state flag ceremony that took place each year.  Each state was call upon with the date of that state's entrance into the union.  The state flag was raised when called upon.  I felt most patriotic watching each flag raised.

God Bless America and the former American Canal Zone!!

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