Photo of the Week
January 13, 2019

A couple of weeks ago I posted a photo of the East Balboa Annex Grade School from 1939, well here is the same building today.  I saw on the Internet that the old building was still standing, so I wrote my friend Art Mokray in Panama to see if he could snap a few photos.  This week will feature those photos Art took.  

Although the building has gone through many years and changes, the old building still stands strong today.  As you can see they have enclosed most of the outer patio areas to make more room I assume.  The photo at the bottom of the rear side remains partially open still.  The old Royal Palms are gone with age or because of the widening of Balboa Road.  Note the fire hydrant that was in the 1939 photo is still there as seen in the top photo, so the take of land for the widening of Balboa Road was on the Royal Palm side of the road.

The building now belongs to the I.M.M.O.P Instituto de Marina Mercante Ocupacional De Panamá (Panama Institute of Occupational Merchant Marine) School.

I love the old Panama Canal utility building in the bottom photo.  PCC had these little buildings all over each town to house transformers for electrical power.  All electrical cable was buried in the Canal Zone.  This was a smart way of proper infrastructure. 

I saw on another photo that Art took the street name sign for the street next to the building is no Las Cruces instead of Wight Street from the PCC days.  Las Cruces is a street that continues out of the Balboa Flats area.

All photos were contributed by CZ Images long time contributor Art Mokray.  Thank you Art.



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