Photo of the Week
March 13, 2016

I posted the above photo back in November 2015 that CZ Images contributor Bill Fall  showing the beginnings of the new Atlantic bridge that will serve traffic across the Panama Canal since the old vehicular bridge at Gatun Locks will be obsolete when the new Agua Clara Locks are in business and Gatun will become an island.  Well, Bill just sent me the photo below of a photo he took in a recent transit.  Looks like the new bridge is coming along nicely.  I asked Bill if it had a name yet, but he hadn't heard.

The area that this bridge is being built used to be thick jungle and swamp that I used to bottle an relics hunt in.  Found some very nice early to mid 1800's bottles in the area.  According to old maps, there was a settlement in this area a very long time ago.  I wonder what great stuff they found when clearing this area for the bridge construction...WOW...I can only imagine.

Thank you Bill for sending in these photos.




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